Oops…I forgot

I realized that I forgot to post the rest of the recipes I used for Cam’s birthday. I made a crap-load of pork and actually froze half of it and our family is still enjoying it. I really wanted to do a meal as close to Chipotle as possible and the best part about Chipotle…

Life Happens…

Remember a couple of posts ago when I said that I was back on track. Well…I should have waited a couple weeks before I boasted that I was back on track after one weekend. These past couple weeks have been tough. (Obviously tough is a relative term because I know plenty who are going through…

My Baby Turned 1!

On Friday, my son turned 1. I still can’t believe how fast the last year has flown by. A year ago, I wasn’t actually expecting that I was going to have my baby home with me. Camden came 3 weeks early and it was totally a God-thing that he came before his due date, because…

Back on track…

Well it’s been a really long weekend. We went to Detroit for my brother’s wedding and it was a crazy, wonderful whirlwind. While the overall adventure was extremely wonderful it was not without it’s fair share of dramatics starting with hotel snafoo’s, the threat of rain and of course a Donald Trump rally in the…